Thanks for visiting my shop - this is a small selection of the products on offer, with more available on my Etsy shop
Trelivings Shop
- All
- 30th Birthday / 1995
- 40th Birthday / 1985
- 50th Birthday / 1975
- 60th Birthday / 1965
- 70th Birthday / 1955
- 80th Birthday / 1945
- Portugual Spain Greece
- America & Canada
- Guernsey, Jersey, Manx
- Australia N Zealand Fiji
- Austria, France, Germany
- Ireland 1969-2000
- Ireland 1928-1969
- QueenElizabeth 1968-2022
- QueenElizabeth 1953-1967
- UK George 6th 1936-1952
- UK George 5th 1910-1936
- UK Edward 7th 1901-1910
Due to recent changes in shipping post-Brexit, we can only accept orders placed with the UK through this website. For any international purchases, you can find the same items at the same price here on Etsy.